HOMECS centerOnline inquiry

Online inquiry

NRS-HanEx 온라인문의 무엇을 도와드릴까요?

User consent for privacy

1. Items of personal information to be collected and method
of collection

1-1. Items of Personal Information Collected

First, the company collects the following personal information for smooth customer consultation and various services.

Second, the following information can be automatically generated and collected during the service use process or business process.

- IP Address, Cookie, Date and Time of Visitation, Record of Service Usage, Record of Bad Record.

Third, the following information may be collected only for the users of the service during the use of additional services and customized services.

1-2. How

We Collect Personal Information We collect personal information in the following ways:
Website, written form, fax, phone, counseling board, e-mail, event application, delivery request / Provided by partner company / Collection through generated information collection tool

2. Purposes of collection and use of personal information

2-1. Providing payment settlement, contents according to contract implementation and service provision, sending specific customized service, etc.

2-2. Membership management

Use of membership service and limited identification of identity, identification of individuals, prevention of unauthorized use of bad members, prevention of unauthorized use, confirmation of enrollment, restriction of number of enrollment and enrollment, legal representative agreement when collecting personal information of children under 14 years old Checking the identity of the legal representative in the future, preserving records for dispute settlement, handling complaints such as complaints, and communicating notices.

2-3. Develop new services and use them in marketing and advertising
Provide new services and provide customized services, Provide services according to statistical characteristics, Advertise, Validate services, Provide event and advertisement information, Provide participation opportunities, Statistics on Service Usage

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